Homepage of Katarzyna Mazowiecka

Currently, I am on maternity leave

I am a Samuel Eilenberg Assistant Professor (in Polish: adiunkt im. Samuela Eilenberga) at the Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw

My research is supported by NAWA the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange via a Polish Returns grant

About me:
I was a postdoc at RWTH Aachen under supervision of Christof Melcher . Before that I was a postdoc at Université catholique de Louvain under supervision of Jean Van Schaftingen. Before that I was a "postdoc" at the University of Freiburg under supervision of Armin Schikorra

I did my PhD at the Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw under supervision of Paweł Strzelecki

Students projects/ Projekty studenckie:

  • [PL] Studentów zainteresowanych pisaniem prac licencjackich, magisterskich lub doktorskich pod moją opieką zachęcam do napisania maila z prośbą o spotkanie (istnieje możliwość zatrudnienia w moim grancie).
  • [EN] Students interested in writing their thesis with me are encouranged to contact me by email (I have free positions in my grant)

Future events:

  • Summer School on Geometric Analysis and PDEs - SGAPDE24, 28 July 2024 - 2 August 2024, Będlewo, Poland,
  • Warsaw Meeting in Analysis and PDEs - WAWA24, 23 September 2024 - 27 September 2024, University of Warsaw, Poland

Past events:

  • Marvellous Event on Geometric Analysis - MEGA23, October 8-13 2023, Będlewo, Poland, poster
  • Summer School on Geometric Analysis and PDEs - CHECINY23 , July 3-7 2023, Chęciny, Poland, poster
  • Winter Workshop Progress in Analysis - PACZKI2023, University of Warsaw, February 13-17 2023

Current address:
Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki
Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego
u. Banacha 2
02-097 Warszawa

Office: 1290
E-mail: k.mazowiecka'at'mimuw.edu.pl
Phone number: +48 22 55 44 129